Plastic Bottles are Harmful for Everyone

Every year, more than 50 billion plastic water bottles are sold worldwide. Of these, only 23% of the bottles are picked up for the recycling process. This means that more than 38 billion plastic bottles end up in landfills around the globe. This generates a huge amount of plastic waste. Plastic bottles are not bio-degradable. The plastic bottle environmental impact is immense. A single water bottle takes more than 1000 years to decompose naturally. It remains on this planet for hundreds of years and leaves a lasting impact on our plant and animal life, and water bodies. Water bottle pollution is a serious environmental concern. Most of the water bottles used are not recycled properly. The discarded plastic bottles are washed away from the shore and end up in our rivers and oceans. Plastic bottle caps are not recyclable and often end up at the bottom of the ocean. Environmentalists say that very soon there will be more quantities of plastic in the oceans than fishes. Th...