Understanding the Plastic Problem
We are surrounded by plastic in our daily lives. Plastic water bottles, disposable cups, plastic straws are commonly used in our homes, offices, and restaurants. Whenever we go out shopping, either for grocery or branded clothes, we always come back with plastic bags in our hand. Plastic is light and durable, thus, plastic bottles and plastic bags are easy to carry. FMCG companies use plastic bottles to sell products like mineral drinking water, aerated soft drinks, juices, syrups, milk, cooking oil, and much more. These plastic bottles can be easily transported, which makes them easy to distribute for a manufacturer. Because of this, plastic bottles are widely used around the world.
Plastic is nonbiodegradable. Any product made from plastic is difficult to recycle. They take more than 1000 years to decompose into the natural environment. The plastic water bottles environmental impact can be seen on our earth and water bodies. The rivers, seas, and oceans are facing extreme plastic pollution. Maximum harm is caused by single-use plastic bags and bottles. Lots of valuable natural resources like fossil fuel and water is used to manufacture plastic bottles. When discarded, these products create a heavy environmental burden on our planet.
Everyone knows that plastic is bad for the environment. People know it as a general fact like the sun rises in the east. But very few people understand the seriousness of the problem. The harmful facts about plastic bottles and bags are available everywhere, but no one really makes the effort to understand the grave consequences.
Below given are top 10 facts about plastic pollution:
- A million plastic water bottles are bought around the world in one minute.
- About 2 million plastic bags are used around the world in one minute.
- 500 million plastic straws are used every day in America.
- 73% of beach litter worldwide is plastic.
- 50 percent of the plastic we use, we use just once and throw away.
- Worldwide, we use and discard half a trillion plastic bags each year.
- The average time that a plastic bag is used for is 12 minutes.
- 8 million metric tons of plastic ends up in our oceans each year.
- A million seabirds die each year due to plastic in our oceans.
- 100,000 marine mammals die each year from ingesting or getting plastic stuck on them.
From plants and animals to human beings, plastics are harming everyone. The easiest way to reduce plastic water bottles environmental impact is to stop the use of plastic in our daily lives. Follow a sustainable lifestyle and minimize your plastic consumption.
Use water bottles made of sustainable materials like aluminum, stainless steel or glass. They are biodegradable in nature and can be easily recycled. Scientific facts about plastic bottles state that BPA (a harmful chemical that is linked to cancer) is found in most plastic bottles. Reusable bottles are a healthier choice.
Always carry a reusable bag with you. Bags made of cotton, jute, canvas, or waste paper can be used for shopping and other purposes. Unlike plastic bags, these sustainable bags can be used multiple times. They are more durable also.
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