Some Outrageous Facts about Plastics

It is very shocking to understand the fact that we cannot imagine a single day without embracing our biggest enemy. Yes, plastic has already become an integral part of our lives and given the dependencies; it is very difficult to get rid of them at once.

Then how are we going to stop plastic pollution?

The best way to eliminate plastic pollution is by putting up a collaborative effort. This is why awareness is so important. A vast majority of the people using plastic on a regular basis are not aware of the catastrophic effects of plastic pollution.

With every passing day, the earth is getting narrower in terms of health. And plastic bottle pollution is one of the major reasons behind it.

Here are some of the worrying facts related to plastic accessories:

•    Plastic is difficult to recycle and only 1 out of 6 plastic items are successfully recycled.
•    Plastic is non-biodegradable in nature and it may take around 1000 years for a single plastic bottle to degrade.
•    More than 50% of the plastic we use is never reused.
•    Over the past decade, we have produced more plastic than the last century.
•    Plastic kills millions of marine species every year. Sea turtles, whales, seabirds, and seagulls are its biggest victims.
•    More than 10% of the waste we generate is made of plastic.
•    Around 8 % of the world’s total oil production is wasted on plastic production.
•    More than 1 million plastic bags are used every minute.
•    Located off the coast of California, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the largest ocean garbage site in the globe. The floating mass of plastic is twice bigger than Texas.
•    Almost every piece of plastic still exists in some form or the other.
•    Enough plastic is dumped every year so that it can circulate the diameter of the entire earth 4 times.

What we can do about it?

Despite knowing all the harmful effects of plastic, it is almost impossible to get rid of all our plastic dependencies in a short span of time.
Here are some of the ways to tackle plastic pollution:
•    Reuse. Try your best to use the same plastic shopping bag or plastic water bottle multiple times. 
•    Replace. You can easily replace plastic bags with bags made of natural fibres such as cotton or fibre, this is an eco-friendly solution to combat plastic.
•    Participated in campaigns against plastic like beach cleaning, seminars about plastic pollution, and more.
•    Awareness. This is where you can make a maximum contribution. It is still believed that more than half of the population are not fully aware of the harmful effects of plastics. Talk about the catastrophic effects of plastic with your friends, families, and relatives.
There are many countries like Kenya and Denmark which have developed strict laws to prohibit unhealthy usage of plastics.

We have no more time to waste. Join hands for a plastic free world.


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